Play Friv Mario Rain Race at Friv for School, which is a racing game. Mario is a very famous character and games of this character have snatched the hearts of many people. In this game, you will control the movement of Mario’s vehicle. This is the very simple game and as a player, you are going to be a part of Race. Your aim is to reach the finish line before other players. This way you can win the race. Play this game only for learning purpose. In this game, you will learn how to use the keyboard because you will use the Arrow keys on your computer’s keyboard.
There are different features and difficulty levels of the game. You can Play it in Career , Race Mode, or Time Trail too. Whichever game mode you select it’s up to you. Career and Race Mode have 3 difficulty levels. So, you can start playing it from the Easy mode, then you can play it in Medium Difficulty level and at the end, you can try hard level. Time Rail have 4 levels, try to win all. When you will start playing you could find it hard but after few tries, you will become a fan of this game. There is Speed meter as well on the right side at the bottom of game screen. If you have more time free and you want to play more driving games, you can try Uphill Rush game.
Like other Mario Friv games, this game is very simple to play and have fewer controls. You will control the Speed and movement of the ride by using Arrow Keys. Up arrow is the accelerator, Left Right arrow to move left or right and Down key for the brake. Use Ese/Enter to move to Main menu or Pause the game anytime.